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Thank you developer of this game.

Thank you for playing EDDA Cafe! ^^

I'd like to make a suggestion.  

The graphics in this game are a little bit unfriendly to translators, maybe it would be better to replace the text in the graphics with code?  

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by 'text in the graphics'. Can you elaborate?

The GUI makes heavy use of images rather than code.  

If you want to add a language, does that mean you need to make a new image  

I see. Thank you for the suggestion! At the moment we're only focusing on translating the story/content of the game, so we left the GUI as it is. It's true that we'll have to change the GUI assets one by one if we want to change it into another language, but we feel that what we currently have is enough. But we'll definitely consider your suggestion for our future games =)  


awe this is cu- WELCOME TO EDDA


oh i cried a bit...fine,a lot.Thank you for the game,it's really deep and i loved the endings.


Very cute visual novel. I loved everything about it! I just wish it could be a bit longer. 


interesting and chill game :) 

i had a fun reading into it ^ -^


Best Novel Ever

Very good game, thanks. I love it


This is such a great visual novel. I like how both of the endings are still a happy pretty happy ending. The art was really cute and the story was really well written. 


i bothered making an account just to say this:

okay first of all, MY HEART. second of all, OWW PRECIOUS HEAARTTTT!!!
i love, literally E V E R Y T H I N G about this game. the aesthetic, the character designs, the music, the voice acting (even tho its just 2 lines), AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE PLOT.

The Characters: the designs are awesome!! do you even know my first reaction when I saw Taku i was like "dang hes cute i hope i/Mina ends up with him" THEN THE NEXT GUY CAME IN and i was like "oh shit hes cute too i take back what i said" LMAO. i LOVE Rin as well, especially her personality! 

The Art: i myself do digital art, just not as good lol. my username here is literally the same name (but not username) i have on my twitter. but anyways did i forget to mention that I LOVE EVERYTHING WITH THE ART??? THE PALETTE AND THE COLOR SCHEMES IS JUST MWAH *chefs kiss. I love the art style!! It's really pretty!! Everything about the art is so cute! I love the CGs as well, i decided to make the cinnamon my background wallpaper, or sometimes I switch it up to the rainbow cake. Literally everything in the Gallery section is perfect for a wallpaper, thats just how beautiful I think the art style is!

THE PLOTT: I LOVE IT DUHH ive never seen a plot like this before!  everything was so meaningful. the sad moments touched my heart, it made me feel like i was feeling whatever Mina was feeling at that moment. I myself have no experience in love, and yet everything that happened made me feel like i have experienced it. it made me feel like i knew what love felt like, how a relationship works. it's just that good, despite being short. Its hard to fully explain without spoilers, but just know that its sweet and heartbreaking at the same time. Oh and i love the idea of EDDA btw! but i just wonder how was Taku able to work there, like how was he chosen to work there? Did he do something honorable/worthy and EDDA decided he would be allowed to work there? What even is EDDA anyways? How was it formed? Idk. But you know what they say, some mysteries are better left unsolved. Maybe I should check their Twitter, i saw somewhere here that they had a twitter acc with updates.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

SO TO SUMMARIZE IT IS A GREAT GAME, definitely should check it out! Get ready for the feels tho (if ur such an emotional being like me lmao) It would be nice if a new game was added about the creation of EDDA. Like for example a long time ago it started with love between a human and magical nymph etc etc. im glad my potato pc was able to run this lmao, though it kept lagging and i had to keep saving and exiting the game then opening it again, which ruined my experience a lil bit, but nonetheless its an amazing short story! Usually right after I download a game and finish it, I'd delete it instantly, but for this one I'll keep it in my folders to replay it again someday. That's all, ty for your time reading my poorly written comment! I was born to suck at expressing myself properly unfortunately, but i do hope i managed to get the message through! now i feel like posting a fan art lol. oh well, CYA!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this message! It warms our heart knowing that someone out there really like our game and it gives us more energy to push forward and create more. We're on hiatus atm but we hope you'll also enjoy other games from us in the future. ^^


the game is very light but sad to the point of making me cry until the whole family is flooded :)) if you want to play a light game then this is a game worth trying you won't regret it because it doesn't go anywhere. as it doesn't have a sad ending and totally depends on how you choose to play and if you are playing i suggest you to try both endings sorry if my english is not good

(1 edit)

I want to play this except I don't know which file to play on

Are you using mac? There should be a launcher file in the game folder, but it looks like it's gone here. Please try using launcher to play the game, and if the problem persist, let us know.

Update (30-8-2021):

We got a report that the build for mac OS is not working. Try launching the game by using launcher (similar way to using steam launcher to launch games). The game should be working just fine, but please let us know if the problem persist after you did it.


This was so cute! How dare it make me cry! Seriously tho, everyone who was a part of this. Remarkable work! 

Can't wait to see if you make anything else! 


holy, this is good! the art is cute and I enjoy the plot <3


This game is so cozy and yet a bit heartbreaking. I also did a video on it, hoping somebody will find this useful:


Thank you for creating this story :)  It was a foregone conclusion how things would end for me and I'm happy that this path was explored, as all too often it is neglected in other fiction.  Mm, now I want a cinnamon roll...


This looks amazing! Great job devs !




Okay soooo I just played this and, the plot is nicely done. I teared up when we went to the past and learnt of the truth. I'm not good at words but- I really loved EDDA Cafe. It's totally refreshing after playing other heavy VN consecutively.

Also !! Loved that little surprise at one of the end. It's a beautiful coincidence that I've been wanting that cake for a while now T^T +The arts are extremely adorable and pleasing to look at too! Really lovely~


Hello! I have just finished the gameplay for EDDA Cafe with the release of the final video above. You can watch the full gameplay segments in the playlist here: Now for the comments! 

Aside from my comments in the video, I loved that it's such a cute, charming and heartfelt game! There's no exact good or bad choice that we should make, since whether that choice is good or bad is based on what we think. In the end, I was happy that our protagonist was happy in the end, with no regrets! I loved the variation in the food for each ending, and they looked yummy!


This was such a cute and touching game! The UI design is so stylish and the art is amazing, especially the care put into the backgrounds. All of the color palettes and style help immerse the player in the story as well. I'll def be checking out the other games you're developing!

Ahh I'm excited to play this game but for some reason I'm unable to play on Mac, I'm not sure if there's something I'm missing in one of the folders?

we're looking at the problem at the moment. Will give you an update soon!

Hello again! Try playing the game from launcher Should be working now, but do let us know if it's still not working.

It's working for me now, thanks so much!


I'm so, so sorry to barge into this thread on another game >.< I just wasn't sure what else to do. I just wanted to say to Sardonice: Thank you so much for the wonderful and detailed review that you left for me on Apartment No.9 :3 I really appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I'm only messaging you here because, for some reason, doesn't allow devs to reply to reviews >.< only to comments, and I didn't want you to end up thinking I was ignoring you since you asked me a question.

I don't want to type too much here when this is someone else's game page though. Since itch also doesn't have PMs, this was my only way of contacting you. You're welcome to drop me an email though if you want to discuss anything:

And to the devs of this game, sorry once again for the mini hijacking >.< This game looks so incredibly adorable ^-^ and the art is absolutely gorgeous! I will definitely have to check it out when I get a chance!


I'll definitely send you an e-mail then! :) Sorry about that, I had no idea that creators were unable to reply to reviews. Thank you for reaching out to me here regardless, I really appreciate it. 


Learned about this novel through Twitter a few days ago and got quite interested, so today I finally decided to play it. What a heartwarming and emotional story! Positively surprised with this game.

Just shared it on Twitter!


Beautiful :D


A beautiful short story filled with magic, guaranteed to have the only baked goods in town that will make you cry tears at a force great enough to cut solid steel. 

The story is satisfying and punchy- it doesn't overextend itself, and the artwork compliments it! I loved the reserved color palettes. Man, now I wish there were more Edda Cafe stories! Great job to everyone who worked on this. <3


I just finished playing through to the "To be continued," and I must say, I really enjoyed this visual novel! Thank you so much for making it. Since you're requesting feedback here, one thing I noticed was that some of the audio for voice acting was peaking (or blowing out). I'm not sure if the peaking is from the raw voice recordings or from sound editing after the recording (so I'm not sure if it can be edited out). Other than that, I liked the voice acting and sound design. The artwork is so beautiful and detailed, and the animations like the snow and drink-pouring was a nice touch. Looking forward to seeing the final release of the visual novel. <3


I really enjoyed playing your game, so lovely! Looking forward to the full version

Hi Mushroomallow, we love EDDA Cafe here at MyAppFree! Take a look at our Game Jam, it may be interesting!

(1 edit) (+2)

I really enjoyed playing EDDA Cafe when it was originally released and I'm glad to see you've brought it back, with plans to finish the story off soon!

Good luck with the final release and I can't wait to see what Mushroomallow makes next!


I played this before the rebrand! I thought it was gone into oblivion but nawp! Looking forward to the next part!

(4 edits) (+2)

The art is so beatiful and the colors are soft.I love the music it's so this blends so well!! The character devopoment the story it's all so good!!

I cant wait for the next part!!:D

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(1 edit) (+1)

Really love how well the art and design blends together! Along with the nice warm color palette, it definitely creates a nice atmosphere like being in a coffee shop.

The short little video at the end of the demo confused me just a tad until I realized it was a droplet. I think it’s because it’s very dark. First time looking at it, it looked more like weird moving gray shapes until the ripples started showing up.

Congrats on making this awesome demo!

I’ve also noticed you’ve used royalty free music. If you want custom music, let me know, I’d love to help for this or future projects!

Reupload? What happened previously?


We're rebranding as a team, as we plan to make another game when the chance arrive.

Is this the demo or full release?


The current version is only demo, but it already covers 2 out of 3 chapters of the story. The full game is planned to be released soon, so please look forward to it. =)


Hello! Just finished the demo and oh my, the style, the story, the atmosphere... everything is just soo gorgeous! <3 You're doing a great job!

Thank you! We're happy to hear that. Please look forward to the full release of the game soon. ^^

How many romanceable characters are there and what genders?


The story of EDDA Cafe only focused on one character, so the romanceable character is only the protagonist's boyfriend. We hope you enjoy our game.

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